Wednesday 18 August 2010

new love

So today, after much excitement and anticipation, my iPod nano arrived. My first iPod - after swearing I would never get one because everyone had one - I am in love. 

I have loved and adored my
Sony Bean for 5 whole years, and I adore it still. Battery life is incredible, charging time is second to none, and it was quirky enough to be satisfactorily different. Beautiful. I bought it with my first ever wages when I was 16. Aww, nostalgia.

However, since Apple have hooked me in with the technological love of my life (MacBook), my conversion to  iPods was fairly inevitable. And, oh, it's a sweet thing. So, as much as I'll miss the Bean (although, inevitably I'm keeping it so I can show the grandkids - "look children, hop off your hovercrafts for a moment and behold my first ever mp3 player. Mp3? You know, it's how we listened to music before LaserPods"), I am now very very in love. 

Plugging it into my laptop became the perfect marriage of dazzling technology and it was a sight to behold. 

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