Tuesday 27 April 2010

also, a mild concern

Those headband things never fit on my head. Seriously.

Do you know the ones I mean? The fabric ones with an elasticated bit that make the wearer look slightly hippy-ish and delightfully bohemian.

Thing is, in the evenings my fringe starts to annoy me so I like to hold it back out of my eyes. My tool of choice used to be a black plastic headband (or Alice band, fine), but after the death of it and its many successors I resorted to a red paisley neckerchief thing which used to belong to my Granny and made me look like Rambo.

So, after endless mockery and scorn from the housemates (and partly because I left it at home), today I decided to invest in a new one. I found one in Boots, and it's quite nice - silky and patterny. That'll do the trick, thought I.

But, it was not to be. Either it is made for people with heads the size of peanuts, or I have a malformed skull. While I'm hoping it's not the latter, I have a horrible feeling that it might be the case. Whenever I put the headband on it sits there looking sullen, then pings off my head. It's infuriating, everyone else manages to make it look so effortless - an elegant knot over a perfectly dishevelled chignon, or tied delicately at the side leaving trailing floaty material. I, on the other hand, am rapidly resembling some kind of human elastic band launcher.

What's a girl to do?
Is there anything that can be done to tame ungainly heads? Probably not. Until then, I'll have to submit to fringey eyes, or else invest in some sort of latex swimming cap.

Just another one of life's lesser delights.

1 comment:

  1. I've got the same thing going on with my head; but I have a large head. I'd have to make my own. It's simple enough but I still haven't done it.
