Monday 13 September 2010

20 frivolous memories

So, most of this morning has been spent - productively, naturally - watching Trinny and Susannah Undress the Nation. For the uninitiated, this programme's basic premise is snatching women with shattered self-esteem off the street, locking them in a fluorescent, mirrored cube of horror, crushing their spirits and reducing them to tears, before whizzing them off on a dazzling shopping trip and single-handedly restoring their confidence and repairing their marriages. Excellent stuff.

Aside from that, it's my birthday coming up and, predictably, it's got me feeling all cheesy and retrospective. I'll be 21 in two days, an adult in the eyes of all the oldies, officially able to drink in America and, well, I'm a good couple of years away from my teenage era. So, in typical blogger fashion, here are a few of the things I've done in the last year:

  1. I entered the real, adult world of online banking.  Not only that, but I started paying bills. Real bills. And when I call my electricity suppliers, they don't ask if my mum's at home.
  2. I voted in the general election. I woke up after hours of trying to stay up to watch the whole thing unfold, to a text from Lou saying: "You are waking up to a Tory government." Then, a few minutes later: "Ok, forget that. I read it wrong."
  3. I opened a Twitter account. And a Flickr. And a Dailybooth. And I shamefully neglect all but one.
  4. I cut my hair short, dyed it black (because there wasn't any brown dye in the shop), ignoring all sensible advice to the contrary. And I've stuck with it.
  5. I read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and in so doing discovered my fictional home-from-home.
  6. I received a brand new laptop. Which eventually broke. Which I was then conned out of 17o quid to get fixed (which it wasn't). But it was through this circuitous route that I became acquainted with the unadulterated technological love affair of my life (my MacBook), and shouted at the crook in the repair shop with all manner of spectacular righteous anger and dissatisfaction.
  7. I managed to gradually acquire 100 YouTube subscribers - one of whom managed to find me on Facebook and left me such a sweet "I'm a fan from YouTube" comment on my wall (which sufficiently impressed my housemates and made me go all giggly).
  8. I was about 2 feet away from the Queen for about 30 seconds, which was enough to make me burst into tears.
  9. On 15th September 2009, I was genuinely in love. The relationship ended in the months that followed, and it's taken much of the rest of this year to reach the point where I don't operate under a constant state of pain. But now I can say I'm glad it ended - because on 15th September 2010 I will have re-learned to be comfortable on my own, and hopefully won't make the same mistakes again.
  10. I pierced my ear, again.
  11. I seriously considered getting a tattoo, and still think I might. Perhaps it'll be something I do when I'm 21 - a delicious age when I really should know better.
  12. I started the year in the black, then slipped into the red, then crawled back into the black.
  13. I went into Boots looking for a pair of glasses, telling the lady: "Basically, I want to look like Jim Royle from The Royle Family", which she found highly amusing.
  14. I went into the local brand new Hollister shop. Twice. Yet despite scoffing and sniggering my way through the entire experience, there was a little bit of me that was disappointed that the topless male models weren't there.
  15. I mastered the art of a truly beautiful red velvet cake. Then planned my future wedding around it.
  16. I went from being a Hallgroup Leader, to a Committee Member, and wondered how it all happened so fast.
  17. I bought a ukulele, and am 2 songs through the 5 that I swore I'd learn.
  18. I bought more bunches of flowers, cinema tickets, and packets of fizzy Haribo than I'd care to remember.
  19. I sold out and gave in to the pull of the iPod, which I guess after my ongoing romance with the MacBook was fairly inevitable really.
  20. I started thinking seriously about what I'll be doing this time next year after realising that - as much as I'd like to - I can't stay in uni forever. But I also realised that maybe it'll all be ok, and the big scary world isn't too scary after all.
It's been a full, dazzling, heartbreaking, thrilling, hilarious and magnificent year. I hope I've done it justice.

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