Friday 17 September 2010


Well, I am in the foulest mood conceivable, and I'm not sure why really. 21 year-old blues? Who knows. I've got Fawlty Towers on in the background and even that isn't coaxing me out of my thunderous stupor.
Here are probable reasons for my ongoing outrage:
  1. I inadvertently upset my mum this evening (a misunderstanding and has been rectified), and I hate upsetting my parents so that's left me feeling all cross with myself.
  2. I suspect that I've had more than a few hormones blasting through my body for the past couple of days and they've finally reared their heads to bite me on the bum.
  3. I'm going back to uni on Sunday - which I love and am really looking forward to - but leaving home is always a bit of a wrench, no matter how many times I do it.
  4. There are still some things outstanding to be organised for Freshers' Week and they're weighing on my mind.
It's a pretty feeble list really now I look at it. Yet still the mood rages on. I'll wait until I'm in a better mood before I blog again - even I can't bear this whinging. Here is my advice to myself:
  1. Sorry Mum.
  2. Get a grip.
  3. Bite the bullet.
  4. So get on with it!
I think I need an early night.


  1. I'm starting uni on Sunday. Definitely a wrench...

  2. Is this your first year at uni?

  3. It is indeed. I'm up to my eyes in packing!

  4. Ooh, which one are you off to? I'm in my third year now - uni really is amazing, it gets a lot less scary as you go along :)

  5. I'm at Chichester, been here since Sunday and it's going ok. Yet to link up with the CU and start my course properly, but I think (hope!) it'll be ok :)

  6. Woo! Good for you! It'll be grand. It's great to be part of the CU - does Chichester CU do Freshers Events during Freshers' Week? I bet they do. They'd be worth going along to :)
