Tuesday 5 October 2010

secret obsession

So, I just got back from my first lecture of the year (and, incidentally, my only lecture of the day...) and I'm now parked comfortably in my living room, contemplatively polishing my shoes.

I love polishing shoes. Have I ever mentioned that? It's actually become a strange compulsion. Well, the thing is, I bought some new winter shoes with some birthday money that I got particularly for the purpose. They are, if I do say so myself, completely gorgeous, and it's been bothering me that I can't find my shoe polish from last year.

So, this afternoon I decided to kill two birds with one stone (that's such an awful expression) and took a trip to Morrisons to buy some new shoe polish, and also to pick up my brolly from the lost property. I'd stupidly left it hooked onto my shopping trolley last week after being distracted by battling with the Newcastle wind and attempting to cling to any remaining scrap of dignity as my skirt flew up with gay abandon.

After heaving myself back through Byker I was bloomin' boiling (it appears that 3 layers and a scarf was slight overkill for early October) so settled down for a good ol' polish.

In other news - I WENT RUNNING THIS MORNING! Yes, you heard me right. I am in fact training for the Great North Run (aw man, see, now I've said it on here it makes it official). I've signed up on this website and it has sorted out a training schedule for me. For those of you who remember the list a wee while ago you'll know that jogging was one of my aims for this year. I did go a few times earlier this year but now I've got a training buddy, and an actual aim. So here goes!

I'll let you know how I get on...

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