Sunday 4 October 2009

this is it

No more procrastinating - the blog is as perfected as you have the energy to make it before collapsing into bed, but now you need something to write. You can't just leave it empty, what kind of that impression would that make on the blogging community? 'Ah, another half-hearted glory blogger, she'll never last.' No, indeed!

So, with a sigh of trepidation and unwilling obligation you settle back down to think of something deeply profound, witty, and - if nothing else - remotely interesting to say.

Nothing. Blank.

Frantically you rack your brains, scrabbling into the deep recesses of your mind, grasping at some intangible and marvellous gem of philosophical or comic potential prose with which to stamp your mark firmly upon your little corner of cyberspace.


Inspiration snorts at you and says, 'Oh, come on. You can do better than this. Next thing you know, you'll cop out and write a some spiel about how you can't think of anything to say.'

So that's what you do.

Then resolve to find something deeply entertaining to write tomorrow.

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